2015 Jefferson's Cruise-In & Checker Tournament
Friday, June 19th 2015

Good Afternoon,
My Board of Directors has decided to host a checkers tournament to coincide with our regular Cruise-In Event on June 19th.  This came from a local tradition of checker playoffs at a local barber shop many years ago. They do not want to do anything extravagant, but may wish to build the event for the future. I have been asked to create an application form and wondered if you had any suggestions. We are not looking at a large, sanctioned event rather we are planning for a bit of fun on our Green.
I feel that the event may be much more work than my Board realizes. What can I do to ensure that the participants and all involved have a positive experience?

Thank you for your time, Ramona

Ramona A. Renfroe, Director
Museum of Ashe County History
301 E. Main St. / PO Box 1404
Jefferson, NC  28640
Phone: 336.846.1904  / fax: 336.846.1932  ramona.renfroe@ashehistory.org
Hello Ramona, I went on-line and was looking for a Jefferson's event calendar like West Jefferson has.  Well anyway, I think you are looking to have a checker event to supplement the activities of your main “Cruise-In” Event on June 19th 2015 which is a Friday next year. 

It shouldn't be much effort to plan and stage this checker even on the “Green” which I'm assuming is a natural park area downtown as many towns and cities have developed and dedicated to their citizens. You could set up a portable tent as headquarters / registration and have several 3x9 or 3x12 folding tables with chairs in the playing area.  We can come up with some catchy headliners for the local newspaper, radio, and local TV.  Make some flyers to mail and hand out at local merchants. Get the word out and build some excitement and interest.  You already suggested to keep it simple, fun, family friendly, and a mountain past-time barber shop social gathering tradition that is still wholesome fun today!  Like... “Who's the best Checker Player in Ashe County?”  Find out June 19th  2015 during “Jefferson's Cruise-In”  You're invited to play in the Jefferson & Ashe County Area Checker Contest!  The event is free and we have several age groups.  Winners get a nice 2015 Jefferson "Who's The Best Ashe Co. Checker Player?" and the bragging right to go with it until next year!  Set your time as: Register at 9-12 AM w/practice session, Contest Starts at 1:00 PM, finish and closing ceremony at 4 PM.  I can supply several flyer designs we have used and you pick what you like and think is appropriate for your event.  I can also supply you with checker sets and laminated checkerboards.  When I say I, I'm including North Carolina Checker Association since I'm the Secretary.  I've already mentioned this to Teal Stanley, President; Jeff Webster, V-President; and Mike Ross, Treasurer.  We are also interested in more of your thoughts on this event.  Another event that sounds much like what you want to do is the Chester Jones Checker Tournament at Mount Airy, NC on the last Saturday in September with many other events scheduled during the “Mayberry Days” - An Andy Griffin Festival.  check out this link. http://www.nccheckers.org/NCCA/2014%20Mayberry.htm  This is my link but you can also go to their two links.  Check out the pictures. Also have a photographer there snapping pictures or video for the newspaper and TV. Please don't get the idea we want to take over your event, you tell us what you are thinking and we will help you in any endeavor to promote checkers as a part of your event.

Another idea is if you get the word out and take applications for the tournament and find a few confident players who think he or she is a top notch player, we can arrange to have those folks play a state champion as an exhibition.  He would play as many boards as people you line up at the same time moving from board to board, although this is usually an indoor activity.  If you want a fun raiser you can charge $3 a game with a chance to win $10 if he or she can win a game off the Champion!  They must win their game, not draw it!

As for an application, you might use an eye catching image, then some caption such as: “Who's the best Checker Player in Ashe County?”  Find out June 19th  2015 during “Jefferson's Cruise-In”  You're invited to play in the Jefferson & Ashe County Area Checker Contest! 

Then add some text such as: The event is free, Sponsored by the City of Jefferson & Museum of Ashe County History.  We plan for several age groups.  Winners get a nice 2015 Jefferson “Who's The Best Ashe Co. Checker Player?” trophy and the bragging right to go with it until next year!  Please complete below application:  Name, Age, Address, Telephone #, email.   I can make up something and send it to you if you wish.

I have several checker player names from your area if you would like to contact them.

Checker images links:  http://www.fotosearch.com/photos-images/checkers.html         



You might use this image in your flyer or something like it.


A Checker Friend,

JR Smith

 2015 Tournament Dates