Problem:  How to get from Columbus International Airport - to Dublin Recreation Center or Hotel
Some hotels package a limo service from airport to hotel  (I-270 to Dublin) and offer free shuttle to the Dublin Community Recreation Center; however, if you don't have this package, maybe...

Best Solution - group together and rent a car or call Alex who has graciously volunteered to shuttle player to Dublin if you call him on Sunday (614-763-0800) and give him flight #, gate, and arrival time He has asked you to email him first at and let him know your plans.

Subject: Dublin Nationals Transportation

Posted By francesco ( On Mon 05/16/05 2259BST:
Hello I just find out that there is no public service from the airport to Dublin ...the lowest fare from airport to Dublin is 35 dollars or 45 dollars ...I hope the organizers find a better way for all upcoming people at nationals :)

Follow-up Comments:

* Added By George Miller ( On Mon 05/16/05 2259BST:
GAYP Qualifier in Prague - Oct 2005. Only 50c by BUS/Metro from the Airport to the venue / centre of Prague.

Perhaps players going to Dublin OH can let Alan know when they will be arriving and he can 'arrange' groups of them for transport? Just an idea...

* Added By Alexander Moiseyev ( On Mon 05/16/05 2259BST:
Tell me your flights, guys :) My van is not as big and have 7 sits only, but if we remove sits - I think we can put here 12-15 not much over weighted people.

I read in Guinness book, that some group of 25 students were in the car which was operated and drove and all doors were close.

Regards, Alexander 

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