F. "Leo" Kwiatkowski age 88, born December 20, 1919, died July
24, 2008,
Sun City, Riverside County, California SSN: 118-07-1256
Leon Kwiatkowski lived at 29071 Hogan Drive, Sun City, California 92586.
He was born on December 20, 1919 and died on July 24, 2008 at the age of 88.
This person last resided in Sun City, California in Riverside County. Leon
Kwiatkowski was assigned the social security number (SSN) of: 118-07-1256.
Obituary – My trophies at last I lay down
Leon Francis Kwiatkowski,
88½, was born in Buffalo, New York on December 20, 1919 and passed away in Sun City, California on July 24, 2008. Leon persevered through a harsh childhood after losing his mom at the age of 3. He grew to be a very articulate and intelligent man. He loved to read and study history. He also liked words and had a beautiful voice. Leon is survived by his loving wife Victoria; his cousins Dennis and Carol Maciuba; his brother and sister-in-law Stanley and Violeti Kolby; and many friends. Leon was a devout Catholic and a fourth degree member of the Knights of Columbus. He had a passion for playing and promoting the game of checkers. He was a member of the International Checker Hall of Fame and was a book dealer in the subject of checkers. (Copied from the MCA Newsletter which copied from the Press-Enterprise)Mr. Leon Kwiatkowski sponsored the MCA mail tournaments on the 12 mail games.