Leonard Hickman was an affable gentleman who enjoyed playing and supporting checkers. Frank Davis announced at the 2013 Tennessee State Open business meeting that he received a letter from Mr. Leonard Hickman's attorney stating his will gifted the Tennessee Checker Association $10,000.00 which was to be distributed as prize funds to the Majors and Minors in an effort to encourage, persuade, and promote younger player to the Tennessee State Open. The gift come with explicit instructions as to spread the money over a ten year period at $1,000 per year, $500 to each group, starting in 2014. We appreciate this thoughtful and generous gift and hopefully we will be able to build our youth checker programs so we can have more youth at our tournaments and accomplish Leonard's wishes. Mr. Hickman was a faithful participant in the Checker Tournament Circuit.
2009 Tennessee 3-Move Open - Americas Best Value, Lebanon, TN - March 6th
- 8th
"Dedicated to the memory & honor of
Gene Lindsey"
Hickman v Willis Shewcraft | 75th Illinois 101 County Checker
Tournament October 3rd - 4th
2009 in mall in Marion, IL at the Illinois Centre Mall Food Court
Leonard Hickman | 2008 Tennessee Open
2006 TN - 2nd Rd. Leonard Hickman, vs Alex Holmes, Earl Harvell
vs Ken Christian, Jim Poland vs Harvey Powell
The Daily Herald – Columbia, TN 8/10/2008 article on Hickman
2004 Tennessee State Open Checker Tournament | March 5th -7th
2004 Best Western - Lebanon, Tennessee Leonard Hickman, Wayne Jackson vs
Dale Hedrick
JR Smith v Leonard Hickman | Alabama / District 5 "Basil Case Memorial" | Galley
Restaurant, Haleyville, AL Nov 9th -10th 2012
2012 3-Move National "Hugh R. Burton Tournament Honoree" July 30th
thru August 4th 2012 in Lebanon, TN
R-L kneeling: Shelby Mays, Alex Holmes, 2nd Row standing: George Gerhauser, Raleigh Johnson, Earl Morrison, Leonard Hickman, Paul Hines, James Martin, JR Smith, Maughan Desmond, Joe Coleman, Bill McClintock, Teal Stanley, George Stallsworth, 3rd Row standing: Bull Gullett, Ray Shelly, Larry Atwood, Jim Morrison, Joe Weaver, Ken Christian, Harley Hoshstetler, Jack Francis, Jeff Webster, John Estes, Alan Millhone, John Acker, Larry Keen, Joe Moore, Jr., Harvey Kelley, Hollis McClard, Grover Minor, Alex Moiseyev, Frank Davis, missing: Ron King, Lubabalo Kondlo, Joe Schwartz, Tim Laverty, Richard Hallett, John Webster, Phil Schwartzberg, and Dr. Robert Schuffett. |
Leonard Hickman v Earl Kennell | Illinois State Open | April 2nd & 3rd
Ken Shultz v Leonard Hickman | Alabama / District 5, Galley Restaurant,
Haleyville, AL | November 11th & 12th 2011
Leonard Hickman | Alabama / District 5, Galley Restaurant, Haleyville, AL |
November 11th & 12th 2011
Leonard Hickman | Alabama / District 5, Galley Restaurant, Haleyville, AL |
November 11th & 12th 2011
three row L-R: Larry Keen, Nick Addante, Neil Wenberg, Earl Kennett, Flavious
Burgess, Howard Hoover, Leonard Hickman, Ted Williamson, Bob Rice, Vonda
Jones, Alan Millhone, Kim Willis, Alex Moiseyev,
Alex Holmes, Michael Holmes,
Byron Polanco, Jennifer Kelton, Roger Blaine, Ken Christian, Harvey Powell, Gary
Ellison, Ken Shultz, Last Row: Don West, Frank Davis, Gene Ellison,
John Grisley.
L to R- 1st Row: Earl Kennell, Brandon Like,
Leonard Hickman, Jerry Childers, Jennifer Kelton, Kim Willis, Gayle
Helterbrand, Bobby Smith, L to R- 2nd Row: Joe Tucker, Howard Hoover,
Cody Short, Gary Ellison, Alan Millhone, Bill Wethington L to R- 3rd Row:
Gene Ellison, Flavious Burgess Thursday, September 6, 2007
Gene Lindsay was an excellent Master Checker
Player, a very good friend, and a fine individual to all who played and knew
him. His untimely death left a void in the checker community.
Some of us knew him in person and others from tournaments but he was well
liked and loved by all who came to know him. Gene Lindsay’s estate left a
large endowment to several checker organizations.
Route 7, 1993 Wanda Terr. Drive,
Morristown, TN 37814
DOB: 5/14/1955 - DOD:
Gene Lindsay v Teal Stanley – 2004 Old Dominion State Open, Virginia
We announced Gene's 50th birthday on May 14th at the
2005 NC State Open in Greensboro,
Gene at the 2006 TN Open
101st Illinois Open State | April 1st & 2nd, 2006 - Illinois Centre Mall
in Marion, Illinois - Larry Keen v Gene Lindsay
Gene Lindsay and Keith Weaver at the 2007 National Tournament - photo by Bob
2007 "Derek Oldbury Memorial" GAYP National | July 23rd through 27th
in Las Vegas at the Plaza Hotel and Casino
L-R: Nico
Pradenas, Alex Weaver, Francesco La Rocca, John Cardie, Tim Laverty, Paul
Bryan, back: Gene Lindsay, Hollis McClard
2007 GAYP National | July 23rd through 27th in Las Vegas |
Ray Shelly & Gene Lindsay
2007 GAYP National | July 23rd through 27th in Las Vegas |
Betty, Gene, John, Mickey, Shane McCosker
Gene won The Danish Open in 2007
Gene Lindsey, winner of the 2002 Georgia Checker Tournament held at the
recreation center, Calhoun, GA.
Photo taken in the fall of 2002 by Howard Gain
Gene served as Official Referee & Scorekeeper at our
1997 GAYP National
Tournament at Howard Johnson in Greensboro.
89th Annual Virginia Open Checker Tournament | Sep 15th - 16th, 2006
| Super 8 Motel in Bedford, Virginia | L to R Front: Fred Taylor, Paul
Heavener, John Webster, Buck Smith,
L to R Back: Ted Taylor, Kevin
Burks, JR Smith, Gene Lindsay, Billy McClintock, Mike Ross, Teal Stanley, Jim
Stokes, Wade Holder, Joe McClellan
International Match between US, Great Britain &Ireland - Played September 26th -
30th, 2005 in Las Vegas Plaza Hotel U. S. Team - Sitting L-R: 1) Leo
Levitt, CA 2) Tim Laverty, NC 3 ) Richard Beckwith, OH 4) John
Webster, NC 5) Gerry Lopez, CA Standing L-R:
6) Alan Millhone, OH 7) Anthony Bishop, TN 8) Gene Lindsay, TN
9) Joe Schwartz, FL 10) Michael Holmes, KY 11) Jim Morrison, KY
12) Charles Walker, MS Alternates: Alan Millhone, OH, Gerry Lopez,
CA, Charles Walker, MS, and Al Darrow, CT (no picture) Clayton Nash,
MS as player (no picture)
2005 Tennessee State
Open - Lebanon, TN
r-l: sitting: Bill McClintock, Teal Stanley, Alex Moiseyev, Perry McCracken, Deborah Burge, Vonda Jones, Kimberly
Willis, Howard Gain, Standing: Max Macheca, Earl Harvell, Dale Hedrick, Mike
Ross, Clayton Nash, JR Smith, Lynn Steelman, John Webster, Roy Finster, John
Estes, Don Brattin, Herbert Reed, Jim Morrison, Jennifer Kelton, Frank Davis,
Larry Pollard, Albert Tucker, Hugh Burton, Ken Christian (hidden), Ken
Schultz, Byron Woolum, Josh Armstrong, Michael Holmes, Gene Lindsay, Jim Stokes,
Don West, Jim Poland, Willis Shewcraft, Robert Shuffett, Jonathon Chappell, Paul
Dingler, Hollis McClard, Morris Pettijohn, Larry Keen, Lamar McBrayer,
Leonard Hickman, Bill Wethington, Shelby Mays, Alan Millhone, Denny Bullington,
Jan Bulstra
2014 Tournament Dates | 2014 TN Open Results