Monday, March 29, 2010 - The Leavenworth Times
HERO - C. W. "Sarge" Nuss
Article features
Mr. Clarence W. Nuss, who celebrated his 89th birthday March 29, 2010 and
decided it was time to join others by moving from his residence on 1937 High
Drive, Leavenworth to a veterans nursing home facility, Medicalodges of Leavenworth,
an assisted living complex he enjoys and adapted to very well, but needs to find
some checker players. C. W. would be delighted to mail
play with anyone, he thoroughly enjoy checkers.
Contact him: C.W.
Nuss, Medicalodge - Room 114, 1503 West Ohio Street, Leavenworth, KS 66048 tel:
913-772-1844. Amber is the Social Director at Medicalodges who is thinking
about setting up something, since they don't have a resident computer in the
recreation hall. email: allink@medicalodges.com
article also ran in the December 2010 issue of Missouri Checker Association
(MCA) newsletter.