2025 ACF Officers 

ACF (American Checker Federation) is the governing body of US checkers that promotes and organizes checkers as played under "English" rules.

  President - Alex Holmes | 4104 Waterford Circle, apt 2, Louisville, Kentucky 40207  | 502-298-6006 | alex.holmes49@yahoo.com
  First President - John Webster | 1379 Whetstone Creek Rd, Stoneville NC 27048 | 336-616-3097 | mwebster002@triad.rr.com
  Second Vice President - Clayton Nash | 206 Shelton Street, Columbus, MS 39702-2922 | 662-256-4937 | bazkitcase5@hotmail.com
  Treasurer - Richard Beckwith | 34490 Ridge Rd. #115, Willoughby OH 44094 | 440-357-3499 | beckwith24@msn.com
  Secretary - Joe Moore | 126 N Madison Ave. Upper Darby, PA 19082 | 267-994-3399 | chexnchips@yahoo.com
  Players Representative - Vadym Lapin | 11700 Luna Rd Apt 6301, Farmers Branch, TX 75234 | 561-606-0360 cell | vadymlapin82@gmail.com
  Bulletin & Games Editor - Jim Loy | 1104 S. Montana H7, Bozeman MT 59715 | 406-223-2044 | jimloy76@gmail.com

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When searching for ACF Incorporation documents use business name: American Checker Federation, Inc. (click gray search box) You can use % as a "wild card"
 example: American% or American Checker% You really don't need (type - corporation for non-profit) (entity # 1705087) (business location - Willoughby) (county - Lake) (state - Ohio)

  2025 WCDF Officers 

The WCDF is the international body that promotes and organizes checkers/draughts as played under "English" rules.


  1. President - Richard Beckwith

  2. Vice President - Carlo Bordini

  3. Secretary - William Docherty

  4. Treasurer - Alex Moiseyev

  5. Competitions Director-Sergio Scarpetta ,

  6. Public Relations Officer - Kim Willis

  7. Players Representative - Nadiya Chyzhevska

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