The Pioneer System


Pioneer Symmetrical - early C 9-14  22-17 11-16  {#35 - D on K} 25-22  8-11 {(KR: 2218-1*  1713-1 2925-1 2429-1 2420-1 2419-1 3025+1 2318+16  2319+32)} (2419 symmetrical diagram) - RTM&D

Diagram C   “symmetrical”  9-14   22-17   11-16   25-22   8-11 17-13   11-15  24-19   15x24   28x19  4-8   22-18   8-11 18x9   5x14   29-25   16-20  25-22 - RTM&D

9-14 22-17 11-15 {( Ballot Opening # 34  A on B,  Balance Game ( 0 )  “Double Corner Dyke” or Possible “Pioneer”  )} 25-22  8-11 17-13  11-16 29-25 16-20 24-19 15x24  28x19 4-8 22-18  8-11 18x9 5x14 25-22 {( "Pioneer" Diagram C  “symmetrical ” )} 11-16 22-18 {(KR 2218-1* 3025+1 2217+20)}14-17 21x14 10x17 18-14 1-5 19-15 16-19 23x16 12x19 32-28 17-22 {( Notice the reciprocating  counter-balancing of board positions, most noticeable of Pioneer games )} 26x17 6-9 13x6 2x18 15-11 7x16 27-23 18x27 31x15 {(draw)} 3-8 17-14 16-19 15-10 19-23 10-7 8-12 14-10 12-16 10-6 5-9 6-2 9-13 2-6 13-17 6-10 17-21 7-3 23-27 10-15 27-32 15-18 16-19 18-22 32-27 3-8 27-31 22-18 31-27 8-12 27-31 12-8 31-27 8-12 27-31 12-16 31-26 30x23 19x26 16-19 26-31 18-22 31-27 19-15 27-23 15-10 23-27 10-15 27-23 15-10 23-27 10-14 27-23 22-18 23-26 14-17 49. 26-31 17-22 50. 31-27 28-24 27-32 24-19 32-27 19-15 20-24 22-26 27-31 26-23 24-28 15-11 28-32 18-22 31-27 22-18 27-24 18-22 24-27 22-18 27-31 18-22 31-27 23-19 32-28 11-8 27-24 19-23 28-32 8-4 24-27 23-19 32-28 4-8 {( I left this endgame sparing match draw, so think, then see correct move )}

9-14 22-17 11-16 {( Ballot Opening # 35  (+3) D on K  “Double Corner Dyke” or guided into the "Pioneer")} 25-22 {( KR 2522-1*  2419-1  2622-1  2420=3  1713+14  2319+32  2318+32 )} 8-11 {(KR: 1619-1* is DCD or 811-1* try funnel into Pioneer, 1620-1 59-1 711-8  69-62 1015-106, KR likes DCD )} 22-18 {(KR: 2218-1*  1713-1  2925-1  2420-1  2419-1 (2419 symmetrical diagram) 3025+1  2318+16  2319+32)} 16-20 {(KR: 1620-1* 48-1  1115-1  1015-1  59-20  38-32  1417-52)} 18-9 5-14 {(KR 514-1*  6x22-1 Gets Out of "Poineer")}29-25 11-15 17-13 {(KR 2522-1* 1713-1 2419-1 2622-1, White chose to stay in Pioneer )}4-8 25-22 8-11 24-19 15-24 28-19 {( strongest approach to "Pioneer" Diagram C, but several different move orders below )} 14-17 {(KR: 1417-1*  1116-1*  1115-1) if 14-17 exchange then 19-16 exchange back to symmetrical position)} 21-14 10-17 19-16 12-19 23-16 {(symmetrical)} 1-5 27-23 20-24 16-12 11-15 23-18 7-11 18-14 6-9 13-6 2-25 30-14 15-18 14-10 5-9 10-6 9-13 26-23 18-27 32-23 11-16 {(draw)}

9-14 22-17 11-16 25-22 8-11 17-13 11-15 24-19 15-24 28-19 4-8 22-18 8-11 18x9 5x14 29-25 16-20 25-22 {( "Pioneer" Diagram C)}
9-14 22-17 11-16 25-22 8-11 22-18 16-20 18-9 5-14 29-25 11-15 24-19 15-24 28-19 4-8 17-13 8-11 25-22 {( "Pioneer" Diagram C)}
9-14 22-17 11-16 25-22 8-11 22-18 16-20 18-9 5-14 29-25 11-15 17-13 4-8 25-22 8-11 24-19 15-24 28-19 {(Several transpositions that switch around moves to get Diagram C, but this is strongest moves)} 14-17 {(KR: 1417-1*  1116-1*  1115-1) if 14-17 exchange then 19-16 exchange back to symmetrical position)} 21-14 10-17 19-16 12-19 23-16 1-5 27-23 20-24 16-12 11-15 23-18 7-11 18-14 6-9 13-6 2-25 30-14 15-18 14-10 5-9 10-6 9-13 26-23 18-27 32-23 11-16 {(draw)}

9-14 22-17 11-16 25-22 8-11 22-18 16-20 18x9 5x14 29-25 11-15 17-13 4-8 25-22 8-11 24-19 15-24 28-19 {(Several transpositions that switch around moves to get Diagram C, but this is strongest moves)} 11-16 {(KR: 1417-1*  1116-1*  1115-1) if 14-17 exchange then 19-16 exchange back to symmetrical position)} 22-18 14-17 21x14 10x17 18-14 1-5 19-15 16-19 23x16 12x19 32-28 17-22 26x17 6-9 13x6 2x18 15-11 7x16 27-24 20x27 31x15 3-8 17-14 {(draw)}

9-14 22-17 11-16 25-22 8-11 22-18 16-20 18x9 5x14 29-25 11-15 17-13 4-8 25-22 8-11 24-19 15-24 28-19 {(Several transpositions that switch around moves to get Diagram C, but this is strongest moves)} 11-15 {(KR: 1417-1*  1116-1*  1115-1) if 14-17 exchange then 19-16 exchange back to symmetrical position)} 19-16 12x19 23x16 15-19 22-17 10-15 17x10 7x14 16-12 6-10 13-9 1-5 26-23 19x26 30x23 15-18 31-26 14-17 21x7 5x14 23-19 3x10 26-23 18-22 12-8  22-26 19-15 10x19 23x16  2-7 27-24 20x27 32x23 26-31 8-4 {(draw)}

9-14 22-17 11-16 25-22 8-11 22-18 16-20 18x9 5x14 29-25 11-15 25-22 7-11 17-13  4-8 22-17 15-18 30-25 11-16 24-19 2-7 26-22 7-11 22x15 11x18 31-26 8-11 19-15 10x19 17x10 6x15 23x14 15-18 26-22 3-8 22x15 11x18 14-10 19-24 28x19 16x23 13-9 12-16 10-7 16-19 7-3 19-24 3x12 24x31 12-16 26 31-26 16-11 20-24 11-7 24-27 7-10 27-31 32-28 23-27 9-6 26-23 10-7 1x10 7x14 31-26 28-24 26-22 21-17 22x29 24-19  23x16 14x32 16-20 {(draw)}

9-14 22-17 11-16 25-22  8-11 22-18 16-20 18x9  5x14 29-25 11-15 17-13 4-8 25-22 8-11 24-19 15x24 28x19 {(Several transpositions that switch around moves to get Diagram C, but this is strongest moves)} 14-17 21x14 10x17 19-16 12x19 23x16 1-5 27-23  20-24 16-12 11-15 23-18 7-11 18-14 15-19 {(KR 69-1 27-1 1519-36 RL)}  22-18  2-7 32-27 6-10 27x20 19-24 13-9 10-15 9-6 15x22 26-23 24-28 23-19 28-32 19-16 17-21 6-2 22-25 14-10 7x14 16x7 3x10 2-6 32-28 6x15 28-24 20-16 25-29 16-11 29-25 11-7 25-22 7-2 14-17 2-6 24-28 12-8  28-24 8-3  24-28 3-7 . 28-32 7-10  22-25 15-19 25-22 19-15 22-25 15-19 25-22 10-14  22-25 6-9  25-22 9-13 32-28 31-27 28-32 19-23 21-25 30x21 32-28 14-10 28-32 21x14 5-9 14x5 22-18 23x14 32x23 {(WW)}

9-14 22-18 11-16 {( Ballot Opening # 39 H on I guided into the "Pioneer" (+12)  Possible "Pioneer" )} 18-9 5-14 24-19 8-11 25-22 11-15 29-25  15-24  28-19  4-8  22-17 {( KR 2217-1*  22181-1*  2724+1 )} 8-11  25-22  16-20  17-13  {(KR: 1916-1*  1713-1*   2218-1)  1713 forms "Pioneer" Diagram C )}

9-14 24-19 11-16 { (+8) G on F  Possible "Pioneer" } 22-18 8-11 18-9 5-14 25-22 11-15 29-25  Pioneer

10-15 21-17 11-16 { (+4)  L on J  Possible “Pioneer” } 17-13 16-20 22-18 15-22 25-18 8-11 29-25  Pioneer

10-15 23-18 12-16 { Balanced Game ( 0 ) H on G  (Called "Kelso Cross" - 1015, 2318)  Possible "Pioneer" } 26-23 16-19 23-16 11-20 18-11 8-15 22-18  Pioneer

11-15 21-17 8-11 {  (+1)  H on A  Possible "Pioneer" } 17-13 4-8 {( KR played Pioneer 9-14 25-21 11-16 29-25 16-20 24-19 15x24 28x19 4-8 22-18 8-11 18x9 5x14 25-22  symmetrical)} 23-19 15-18 22-15 11-18 25-21 9-14 29-25 14-17 21-14 10-17 26-22 17-26 31-15 7-11 30-26 11x18 26-22 5-9 22x15 9-14 {(draw)}   Pioneer

11-16 21-17 8-11 { White Advantage (+14) H on J  (“Oliver's Twist”   Possible “Pioneer” ) } 17-14 10-17 22-13 4-8 24-19 9-14 25-22  Pioneer

11-16 21-17 9-14 { (+3 ) M on F  Possible "Pioneer" }  25-21 16-19 24-15 10-19 17-10 6-15 23-16  Pioneer

11-16 21-17 16-20 { (+4 ) A on D  Possible "Pioneer" } 17-13 8-11 22-18 9-14 18-9 5-14 25-22  Pioneer

11-16 22-17 8-11 { Balanced Game ( 0 ) I on L  Possible "Pioneer" } 17-14 10-17 21-14 9-18 23-14 16-20 25-22  Pioneer

11-16 22-17 16-20 { (+4 ) F on C  Possible "Pioneer" } 17-14 10-17 21-14 9-18 23-14 8-11 24-19  Pioneer

11-16 23-18 8-11 { (+7)  I on B  Possible "Pioneer" } 18-14 9-18 22-8 4-11 25-22 16-20 26-23 Pioneer

11-16 23-18 9-14  { (+4)  J on B Possible "Pioneer" } 18-9 5-14 24-19 16-23 27-9 6-13 21-17 Pioneer

11-16 23-18 16-20 { (+2) G on I  “The Bristol Cross”  Possible “Pioneer” } 24-19 10-14 {( if  811? called "Don Canneljas Cannonball" or aka "Spanish Shot" 11-16, 23-18, 16-20, 24-19, 8-11)} 26-23 8-11 22-17 7-10 28-24  {(KR  3026*  2824  1713 )} Pioneer

11-16 24-19 8-11 { (+1) I on K Possible “Pioneer”  }  22-18 {( if  4-8,  26-22,  16-20 called  "The Jaywalker" ) }10-14 25-22 4-8 22-17 9-13 18-9 13-22 26-17 6-22 30-26 5-9 26-17 9-14  17-10 7-14 29-25 3-7 25-22 7-10 28-24   Pioneer

11-16 24-19 8-11 {( Ballot Opening # 140  I on K guided into the "Pioneer" )} 22-18 4-8 {( KR 4-8* or 10-14  9-13 16-20 )} 25-22 {( KR 18-14* or  25-22  26-22  28-24 )} 16-20 22-17 9-14 18x9 5x14 29-25 11-15 25-22 15x24 28x19 4-8 22-18  8-11 18x9 5x14 25-22 {( "Pioneer" Diagram C )}

9-14 22-17 11-15
9-14 22-17 11-16
9-14 22-18 11-16
9-14 24-19 11-16
10-15 21-17 11-16
10-15 23-18 12-16
11-15 21-17 8-11
11-16 21-17 8-11
11-16 21-17 9-14
11-16 21-17 16-20
11-16 22-17 8-11
11-16 22-17 16-20
11-16 23-18 8-11
11-16 23-18 9-14
11-16 23-18 16-20
11-16 24-19 8-11
11-16 24-19 16-20
12-16 21-17 16-20
12-16 22-18 16-20
12-16 23-18 16-20
12-16 24-19 16-20


Pioneer Symmetrical - early C 9-14  22-17  11-16  25-22   8-11 – WTM&D  (KR: 2218-1*  1713-1  2925-1  2420-1  2419-1  3025-1  2318+16   2319+32) Diagram C “symmetrical” 9-14  22-17  11-16  25-22  8-11 17-13  11-15  24-19  15x24  28x19  4-8   22-18   8-11  18x9  5x14  29-25  16-20  25-22 – RTM&D

Diagram A  9-14   22-17   11-16   25-22   8-11  22-18  16-20  18x9  5x14 – WTM&D

Diagram B 10-15  21-17  11-16  17-13   16-20  25-21 {(Diagram C)} 8-11 23-18  7-10 26-23  4-8 30-26  9-14 18x9   5x14  29-25 – RTM&D

Diagram B 10-15  21-17  11-16  17-13   16-20  25-21  {(Diagram C)} 8-11  23-18  7-10 26-23  4-8 30-26  9-14 18x9   5x14  29-25 – RTM&D Diagram C “symmetrical” 9-14   22-17   11-16   25-22  8-11  17-13  11-15 24-19  15x24  28x19  4-8   22-18  8-11  18x9  5x14  29-25  16-20  25-22 – WTM&D

Rather than studying one opening at a time (which is a lot of work for 156 openings), I tend to play the percentages and emphasize more those mid-game positions that can arise from multiple openings. Namely, the Pioneer system, Defiance, and Bristol Cross have the potential to arise from ~50 different three-move openings. So, knowledge of these mid-games will likely not go to waste. - Derek Oldbury

1st 20 Best Published Play "Book" Moves